Rodent Control

Rodent Control

Get the Janus Advantage Over Rats and Mice

Rodent-borne Diseases

Rats and mice are invading homes and businesses at an increased rate. They are particularly troublesome, primarily because they can spread pathogens—bacteria, viruses, and other organisms that can cause disease directly to people through contact with feces, urine, saliva, or rodent bites. Diseases are also spread indirectly from ectoparasites having fed on an infected rodent (mites, lice, ticks, and fleas).

Property Damage

Rodents cause property damage by chewing through wood, sheetrock, electrical wiring that can spark a fire, data cables, and HVAC pipes—not to mention car ignition components.

Rodent Control Program

Starting with a detailed site inspection, we look for conditions favorable to rodents, including holes and gaps that lead into the structure, tree branches bridging over to the roofline, potential food sources such as pet kibble left outside overnight, bird feeders, and ripened garden fall. Once completed, we advise the homeowner of our findings and recommendations. Next, we are ready to commence our Rodent Control Program, whereby we begin removing rodents from the structure using humane traps placed within active areas. Thereupon routinely inspected 4–6 weeks to ensure positive control. If conditions warrant, we may install bait stations outside to hasten progress.

Bothered by Rodents: rats or mice?

Keep rodents Away—Call the Pros at Janus Pest Management Today!


ProTip: Rodent Access Denied

More Info

Help prevent rodent incursion with these tips:

  • Repair damaged sub-area and attic vents screens
  • Trim tree limbs back 4–6 feet from the roofline
  • Remove ripe garden-fall from the yard
  • Eliminate all moisture sites, including leaking pipes and clogged drains, and clogged gutters
  • Seal cracks and holes on the outside of the home, including areas where utilities and pipes enter the structure, using caulk, expansion foam, copper wool, or in combination
  • Store pet food in metal containers

Here to help

If needed, our team at Janus Pest Management can assist you with pest exclusion repairs and other necessary work to get rid of rats and other pests from your home or business.

Schedule an Inspection or Service Appointment Today!

Head Office

138 S Valencia St. Ste F Glendora, Ca 91741

Call Us

(888) 526-8744